About us

At metanoy, we attach great importance to using our expertise to provide our customers with the best possible support in their digital transformation. We see ourselves as motivated doers. We not only develop solutions but also implement them together with our customers.

We take a holistic approach to every topic and combine our open mindset with our expertise from various specialist areas. We are very well-networked and, therefore, work on our challenges in an interdisciplinary manner. It is also important to us that our values are practised on a daily basis.

Our principles are expressed in the way we work. They are based on our four value pillars:





We are remote because we can work from anywhere at any time. Our autonomous way of working is based on trust. We pay attention to structures such as joint meetings but also to a good work-life balance.

We are organic because we are constantly growing and open to new ideas to adapt to clients and projects. Our interdisciplinary teams are assembled according to the challenge and work within our structures without hierarchies. Through self-reflection, we remain true to our principles of equality, transparency and respect.

We are social because we support talent and social organisations in terms of sustainable future development. We offer young talents practical insights into the profession and create space for learning and research. We support social projects that do important work pro bono with our knowledge and expertise in their own digital transformation.

We are specific because we do not rely on standard solutions. Thanks to our curiosity, we are always up to date - even with our customers. We respond specifically to their needs and requirements. This enables us to offer innovative, needs-based and customised solutions.

Our values help us to realize our vision of a digital transformation that is shaped by requirements. We are not digitalizing for the sake of digitalization. We want to create added value for our customers.

Our mission is to accompany and support our customers on their journey and provide them with the individual level of digital transformation that meets their needs and supports them in achieving their own vision.

Get in contact with us:

Book an appointment with our Managing Partner and Co-Founder Dr. Marek Stess or send us an email with your questions.