We take you with us – Blogposts

Philosophy by metanoy


In this blog post, we present our penultimate value: organic. As with each of our four value pillars, organic is central to us and sits alongside distant and specific. Let's first take a look at what it means in a business context.

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Philosophy by metanoy

Remote - much more than a pandemic response

In the last post, metanoy positioned itself so that readers could find out what values and ideals we stand for and follow as a company. We already introduced our four standards: remote, organic, social and specific. Now let's go into a little more detail, starting with remote.

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Philosophy by metanoy


Our company metanoy is important to us, we didn't just found it. It was much more than that: ideas and visions became reality. We have given a lot of thought, planned, talked - we have worked out values.

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Philosophy by metanoy

Social - Our path to a better world

This time the blog is about something close to our hearts, because we are talking about our social value. One of our four pillars, it is particularly important to us because it brings together all our values ("remote", "organic", "specific") and reinforces our corporate philosophy.

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Philosophy by metanoy

metanoy - more than just a name for us

At metanoy, we are passionate about the opportunities the digital world offers to enrich our own lives and work. As IT consultants, we share this enthusiasm with passion.

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Philosophy by metanoy

Our Values & Norms

2021 - fast moving and digital - the big pressure for many companies is to keep up, to be up-to-date, to remain marketable, more than ever due to Corona.

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Get in contact with us:

Book an appointment with our Managing Partner and Co-Founder Dr. Marek Stess or send us an email with your questions.