
The Team Generator, also known as metaCON, simplifies and standardizes the creation of teams within MS Teams.

simple administration

Based on an intuitive interface, similar to the SharePoint design, individual team types, defined in advance, can be created. The structure, metadata and members of the team are determined in a standardized process and the team is then created automatically.

MetaCON also includes an overview of all existing teams, which can be enriched with various dashboard elements (e.g. team status overview, activity overview, etc.), significantly reducing the administrative workload of the team units.

Standardized teams
Standardized teams
Standardized teams
Standardized teams

MetaCON fits seamlessly into the metaSYN concept, which aims to create a digital twin based on a company's organizational and functional structures, within the framework of SharePoint and MS Teams. The automated provision of metadata when creating Teams entities via metaCON enables semi-automatic metadata data tagging. As a result, files are automatically tagged with the corresponding "location metadata." This implies that the files are automatically supplied with information about where they are located, i.e. in which team and how this team fits into the organizational structure. This individual partial automation leads to a considerable simplification in the maintenance of metadata, which directly impacts work performance. In addition, the search function in SharePoint is considerably more precise.

A structured, programmatic creation of Microsoft Teams units helps with this:

  • Establish standardized nomenclatures for MS Teams objects
  • Improve infrastructure management by eliminating manual errors during creation
  • Reduction of manual effort for each employee because defined channels, document sets, folders, tabs, etc. are created directly
  • Increasing the maintainability of the infrastructure (Teams AdminCenter, SharePoint AdminCenter)
  • Leveraging usability of content (files, chats, to-dos, etc.)

Get in contact with us:

Book an appointment with our Managing Partner and Co-Founder Dr. Marek Stess or send us an email with your questions.