
metanoy - more than just a name for us

by metanoy

At metanoy, we are passionate about the opportunities the digital world offers to enrich our own lives and work. As IT consultants, we share this enthusiasm with passion. We love unlocking the potential of digital transformation and developing customized solutions. This can also mean leaving the familiar behind and exploring new paths. With our experience and ideas, we support companies in their development.

Different characters, one idea

The members of our team had been working together for years on various digitalization projects. When our founders first got to know each other, they discovered many similarities in their approach and ideas on how to make digital transformation a success. One of them had previously focused more on the technical implementation of digitalization, while the other brought a great deal of expertise in process management.

Our common vision was clear: we wanted to combine our experience and expertise to help and support companies on their digital transformation journey. An important first step was to give our company a name. It had to sum up what we do and could be a bit challenging. It should reflect the consistency and trust that is important to us in our relationships with our partners, as well as the breath of fresh air and innovative ideas that we bring to the table. Our name should also tell a story that we can identify with.

The name metanoy

Unsere Brainstorming Wortwolke

Our brainstorming word cloud

Here is a visualization of the naming process. We were able to identify with the words in black and they served as inspiration. Our potential company names are shown in yellow.

Our shared interest in history and philosophy led us to ancient Greece: we derived "metanoy" from "Metanoia". In ancient stories, it is used to describe the change of heart of protagonists. In Greek mythology there is also a character called Metanoia. She embodies this process. She is not very prominent in the stories. When she does, she is portrayed together with the (naked) truth. In this painting by Girolamo da Carpi, she is next to Kairos, the personification of the right time.

Girolamo da Carpi – Opportunity and Repentance, 1541 (Origin: The Yorck Project (2002))

Kairos dances on a golden ball with winged feet and flowing hair. We see the balancing act of catching the ideal moment or seizing an opportunity that presents itself. It is a fleeting moment that can easily be missed. Metanoia stands on solid ground beside Kairos. She watches the act. She looks back at him, but her body is facing forward. In this way, Metanoia connects the past and the future. By looking backward, she learns and takes valuable experience with her into times to come that are not yet visible here.

This image fits well with our ideas. Anyone who works with us quickly realizes that we don't want to offer a one-size-fits-all approach. No, we know that digital change requires many such Kairos tricks. This makes it all the more important to develop reliable routines with Metanoia and to design the structure so that it is both stable and flexible. After all, these routines are the mainstay, regardless of the success or failure of Kairos trick.

The term metanoia is composed of "meta" (to) and "noeo" (to recognize, see, consider). We have chosen "metanoy" because the importance of changing consciousness is precisely what must accompany change in any organization if it is to be successful. Technical implementation is only one step along the way. But people should benefit from it. They need to be involved and should be at the heart of the change if we are to take advantage of the opportunities that the digital world offers us.

Why do we care about digitalization?

Digitization must be measured by the extent to which it creates real value for people. As technology-independent consultants, we see ourselves as a comprehensive companion in the modern world. Digital transformation does not mean using a specific new software solution; it involves changes in communication, collaboration and, in short, the entire organization. However, these external changes must be accompanied by an internal renewal of the mindsets and attitudes of the people involved.

The opportunities of a digitized world are obvious: everything important is documented, available anytime, anywhere, archived properly, and can be aggregated independently. At the same time, data can be properly protected. Short, location-independent communication channels increase the speed of development. This is what New Work is all about. We at metanoy live this way of working.

Our metanoy approach

To use change constructively to meet your challenges, you need a shared mindset that combines two things: Stability and flexibility.

Stability is achieved through a consistent relationship of trust, a clear set of values and a shared vision. Flexibility comes from a willingness to learn, simple structures and processes, a healthy culture of error, as well as good communication and the ability to deal with conflict. All this together makes a person, a company or a team resilient.

It is because a change of mindset is necessary that we have named our project to support companies in their digital transformation metanoy. It requires the ability to critically examine past decisions and structures, and the willingness to let go of the familiar to make room for the new. Our approach combines stability and flexibility. It can thus become an integral part of a sustainable corporate culture. We at metanoy are the right partner for you.

Image Hello (by Tim Mossholder on unsplash)

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Get in contact with us:

Book an appointment with our Managing Partner and Co-Founder Dr. Marek Stess or send us an email with your questions.